I find that lanthanum stearate can not restrain the increase of conjugated double bond effectively; however, it can interact with chlorine in PVC, so that it makes C-Cl bond more stabilized and 1,3 rearrangement of chlorine more difficult. 硬脂酸镧能与PVC中的氯原子发生作用,使得C-Cl键趋于稳定,导致PVC在降解过程中1,3重排更为困难,因而明显抑制共轭多烯结构的形成;
The results show that the condensation degree of dissolved lignin is relative higher and the increase of conjugated double bond is mainly proceeded at the early stage of cooking. 结果表明,溶出木质素的缩聚程度较高,其共轭双键的增加主要发生在蒸煮前期。
It is probably that the conjugated plane of gossypol is inserted into the base pair pleated sheet of the DNA double helical structure to associate with thymine through weak polar bond. 这表示棉酚很可能以共轭平面平行地插入到DNA分子双螺旋结构的碱基片层之间,与其中的胸腺嘧啶碱基以弱相互作用的极性键形成复合物。
To allyl alcohol and benzyl alcohol, the paired electrons of oxygen can be conjugated with double bond and thus the electron cloud density decreased, so the nucleophilicity was decreased. 丙烯醇和苯甲醇由于氧原子上的电子能与双键产生共轭而使氧上的电子云密度降低,亲核性减弱,因而转化率较低。
Simulating result shows that benzene ring, carbonyl group, aldehyde group, conjugated double bond and the function between bond and chain are the important reason for the exist of traps in polymers. 模拟结果表明聚合物中苯环、羰基、醛基和共轭双键等化学键及键和链的作用是空间电荷陷阱存在的重要原因。
The conjugated double bond in tung oil molecular with high activity can take place substitution reaction with one of ortho or para hydrogens of phenol. 桐油的共轭双键具有极强的反应活性,易与苯酚芳环上邻或对位的活性氢发生傅氏取代反应。
C_ ( 60) is one kind of fullerene with high conjugated cage-types structure. Its covalence between two hexagons has high reactivity, which behaves as addition reaction of double bond. C(60)是高度共轭的笼状结构的碳素体,分子结构中六边形环间的共价碳碳双键是富电子区,反应性能与烯烃有类似性,主要表现为双键加成。
The results showed lanthanum stearate had obvious thermal stabilization effect on PVC, but could not restrain the increase of conjugated double bond effectively during the degradation of PVC; 结果表明:硬脂酸镧对PVC具有明显的热稳定作用;硬脂酸镧在PVC降解过程中对共轭双烯结构的形成,不能起到显著的抑制作用;
Substitution reaction, addition reaction, cyclization reaction and polymerization reaction can be conducted because of the conjugated double bond involved in its molecule, and therefore it is widely used in synthetic rubber and organic synthesis. 由于其分子中含有共轭二烯,可以发生取代、加成、环化和聚合等反应,使得其在合成橡胶和有机合成等方面具有广泛的用途。
Conjugated linoleic acid ( CLA) containing cis-or trans-conjugated double bond is a kind of octadecadienoic acid and is a general term for a set of locations and conformational isomers of the essential amino acids linoleic acid ( LA). 共轭亚油酸(CLA)是含有顺式或反式共轭双键的十八碳二烯酸,是必需氨基酸亚油酸(LA)的一组位置和构象异构体的总称。